Road Traffic Accidents in Scotland Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads

Road Traffic Accidents in Scotland: Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads

Considering the vast number of cars on the road at any given time across the UK, it isn’t surprising that road traffic accidents occur on a daily basis up and down the country. Yet their frequency doesn’t negate from their seriousness, and we understand the devastation and disruption that these accidents can have on your life.

It isn’t of course an even picture across the UK, and tragically, Scotland has some of the worst injury and casualty rates from road traffic accidents. In fact, those living in the North-East of Scotland are the most likely in Britain to suffer a serious or fatal injury in a road traffic accident, with residents in the rural area of Banff and Buchan, more than twice as likely to be killed than the national average.

It is a worrying trend that is consistent throughout Scotland and although the rate of minor injuries is roughly the same as those of England and Wales, new statistics have shown that the rate of serious and fatal injuries is overall higher in Scotland. Here at Bonnar Accident Law, we deal with more road traffic crashes than any other form of accident. We have years of experience and the relevant expertise to fully understand your case. Get in touch today if you would like more information and advice or keep reading to find out some of the most hazardous stretches of road in Scotland.


Why are the road traffic accident rates in Scotland higher?

Whilst there are many factors that can contribute to or cause road traffic accidents, from a general lack of concentration all the way to drink driving, there are factors specific to Scotland that are likely the reason for the higher accident and casualty rates.

Scotland is home to many rural roads, especially in the North and whilst many may assume that rural roads are safer because they are quieter, they’re forgetting the many unseen hazards that muddy, windy and narrow rural roads can present. In fact, the Department for Transport’s figures shows that across all age groups, 57% of all fatalities occur on rural roads, with this increasing to 71% for young drivers aged between 17-24 years old.

Common causes of car accidents on rural roads include failure to look, loss of control, travelling too fast for the conditions and unmanaged accident blackspots. These blackspots are prevalent across Scotland and account for a higher-than-average number of road accidents, due to factors such as hidden or poorly signposted junctions, hidden dips in the road, and unexpected sharp bends on fast roads.


What are the most dangerous roads in Scotland?

Up to date statistics on the number of road traffic accidents which cause serious injury or fatality, were recently unveiled by the Scottish Government. The figures show that between the start of 2017 and the summer of 2019, there were 785 serious or fatal accidents on Scotland’s trunk roads. At least one person lost their life in 137 of these. The most dangerous road in Scotland, the A82, heads up the top 10 list. See the rest below:

  1. A82 (Glasgow to Inverness via Fort William)

  2. A9 (Falkirk to Thurso)

  3. A90 (Edinburgh to Fraserburgh via Dundee and Aberdeen)

  4. A77 (Glasgow to Portpatrick)

  5. A96 (Aberdeen to Inverness)

  6. M8 (Edinburgh to Glasgow)

  7. M74 (A74(M)) (Gretna to Glasgow)

  8. A85 (Perth to Oban)

  9. A92 (Dunfermline to Aberdeen)

  10. A83 (Argyll)

An accident hotspot that’s a little closer to home, is the Shawhead flyover in Coatbridge, on the doorstep of our Airdrie office. Installed as part of the M8/A8 improvement project, the flyover consists of crossroads with traffic lights, replacing the previously existing roundabouts. However, it has been branded a ‘death trap’ by many local residents and MSP’s due to the numerous accidents since its installation in 2019, the most recent of which occurred in March 2021.


What do I do if I’m injured in a road traffic accident in Scotland that wasn’t my fault?

We completely understand how distressing it is to be involved in a road traffic accident. Just try your best to stay calm and remember as many details as you can, as these can help to support your claim if you weren’t at fault. Try to record the following:

  • Names, addresses and contact details of all drivers involved
  • Vehicle registration details for all vehicles involved
  • Accident date and time
  • Accident location
  • Full contact details of any witnesses

Most importantly of course, if necessary, seek medical attention as soon as possible and report to your GP following any hospital admissions. And remember to always report the accident to the police.

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault and you would like more information, please get in touch with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors today.