wheel chair

How to Claim Compensation for Injuries Caused by a Faulty/Defective Product

The products we buy should always be safety tested by the manufacturing company to ensure no one is hurt, however this unfortunately does not always happen.  

Often products that look to be in good condition have a fault or are defective to the point where they could be harmful to a user. This can be anything from a car part, to a toy, to clothing and electrical goods – the list is endless and injuries as a result can be severe.  

If you or a family member has had an accident or injury due to faulty or defective products, then it should be a simple matter of contacting the manufacturer for compensation, but most manufacturers will try to get you off their case by offering you a refund, or free products.  

Do not fall for this. 

Manufacturers do this to get out of paying you what you deserve in repayment of lost wages, trauma, and even disability compensation. They will use all the tricks in the book to try to intimidate you into dropping your valid claim. 

At Bonnar Accident Law, our personal injury solicitors will take on these thoughtless manufacturing companies, so you don’t have to and get you the best claim possible, no win, no fee.  

If you’d like to chat to someone about your legal options regarding an accident/injury due to faulty or defective products, contact our friendly team, at Bonnar Accident Law to discuss the circumstances of your claim. 

If you require immediate assistance, call one of our offices free of charge on 0800 163 978 or fill in our Free Online Claim Enquiry to speak to one of our friendly team and get advice regarding your legal options and rights.  

Our legal team make it their priority to get you the compensation you deserve for injuries caused by defective of faulty products.  

Typical injuries include: 

  • Broken bones 
  • Electrocution 
  • Crushing injuries 
  • Burns and scalds 
  • Respiratory problems 
  • Cuts and lacerations 


What can I claim for? 

  • Pain and suffering 
  • Medical costs 
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Loss of earnings 
  • Damage to property 


Make a free enquiry 

If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, don’t delay – make the call. Call us free now on 0800 163 978 or complete a Free Online Claim Enquiry and we will soon be in touch. 


www…aka – Website Waffle Wednesday

Accident Advice Helpline

(Back so soon guys?)

Just when you think claims company website waffle couldn’t get any worse, it can and it does.

Now, we’re not saying that Accident Advice Helpline are the worst offenders (cos they’re not; sadly there’s much worse) and we’re not saying that bits of their website aren’t all right, sort of…

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