Expert head and spinal injury Claim solicitors
Head and spinal injury claims
Serious head and spinal injury will have a devastating impact on accident victims and their families. Experience and expertise is everything in catastrophic injury claims because there is so much at stake for everyone involved. Bonnar Accident Law is one of the few personal injury solicitors in Scotland that can manage these cases successfully.
Among our many successes and significant wins over many years, we recently secured what is believed to be the largest ever financial settlement awarded to brain-injured adult in Scotland – £6million.
Head and spinal injury solicitors
Brain injuries are complicated and involve different considerations from other forms of injury. It is very important that the solicitor you choose to handle your claim understands the complexities of your injury and how your own injury is likely to affect your life. Bonnar Accident Law knows the right medical experts and rehabilitation specialists to instruct in your claim which will result in fair and just compensation.
Making the wrong choice of personal injury solicitor when dealing with a serious injury compensation claim in Scotland can mean the difference between a fully-funded package of specialist medical care and support and a lifetime of financial struggle and hardship for the accident victim and their family. A difference of hundreds of thousands of pounds, or even more, can be involved.
Experience is everything when handling serious injury claims and if you are in any doubt that the solicitor you are thinking of using is not up to the job of winning your head or spinal injury case, you need to ask some hard questions and get some honest answers.
When a seriously injured person’s future is at stake a family needs to be absolutely certain that they have made the correct choice of personal injury solicitor.
Success in serious injury cases demands experience, expertise, skill and many years of training on the part of your solicitor. However, in addition to the ability of the solicitor, the law firm itself needs to be financially secure.
Specialist law firms, like Bonnar Accident Law, carry a significant level of insurance to protect the interests of seriously injured clients and provide cover against all eventualities in cases that are worth in excess of £1 million.
We pay particular attention to the emotional needs of family and carers at this most difficult time for all concerned. We are always aware that in distressing cases of this nature the lives of an entire family can be turned upside down in an instant, as a result of injury to a loved one.
For Bonnar Accident Law, therefore, it’s not just about maximising our clients’ compensation it’s about helping a family cope with the consequences of a devastating accident.
However, in serious injury cases where the costs of long-term medical care and rehabilitation services can be very expensive, we fight ‘tooth and nail’ to ensure that our clients receive the very best medical support whatever the cost – which can be considerable.