www…aka – Website Waffle Wednesday

Accident Advice Helpline

(Back so soon guys?)

Just when you think claims company website waffle couldn’t get any worse, it can and it does.

Now, we’re not saying that Accident Advice Helpline are the worst offenders (cos they’re not; sadly there’s much worse) and we’re not saying that bits of their website aren’t all right, sort of…

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Accident claim lawyer in East Kilbride?

Accident Advice Helpline

The other day I was checking out how our own website fared in a search for ‘accident claim lawyer in East Kilbride’ and stumbled upon Accident Advice Helpline’s entry.

It begins…

“Kilbride lies in Northern Ireland and like all surrounding areas it has suffered much conflict and many troubles over the past 100 years and still does to a lesser degree today. There has been a lot of economic troubles too especially since the 1950’s when the towns mill, Corgi Mill, closed down leaving a large percentage of the town unemployed and destitute in a time when welfare benefits were extremely new and extremely difficult to obtain. Today there is still a larger than average rate of unemployment here possibly due to the lack of industries and the aging population meaning people are keeping their occupation for longer.”

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