Asbestos Compensation Claims

Asbestos Compensation Claims

Asbestos Compensation Specialists

You can claim compensation with Bonnar Accident Law for asbestos related industrial disease. We have a team of expert personal injury solicitors who can help you gain retribution to help you and your family for an industrial disease caused by the exposure to asbestos.


Here we breakdown asbestos related illnesses, asbestos compensation frequently asked questions and how Bonnar accident lawyer can help you if you are looking for compensation for asbestos related illnesses in Scotland.


Asbestos related industrial disease

Exposure to asbestos at work continues to be a major cause of worker deaths and serious, long-term debilitating illness.

What is Asbestosis?

The main industrial related disease is a condition called asbestosis. This is the scarring of the lungs & it is caused by sustained exposure to asbestos fibres or dust.

Other asbestos diseases;

  1. Mesothelioma
  2. Asbestos Related Lung Cancer
  3. Diffuse Pleural Thickening

Claiming for Pleural Plaques

The condition called pleural plaques also caused with exposure to asbestos. This is a form of scarring of the thin membrane that covers the lung (also known as the pleura). Pleural plaques are benign (non-cancerous) and do not cause pain. Often people who sufferer pleural plaques are diagnosed by accident through routine check-up or when x-rayed for a different condition.

For those exposed to asbestos in Scotland, the law is different from those in England and Wales. You can still bring a claim for pleural plaques compensation.

With no asbestos in circulation, how can I still claim?

The reason for people still suffering from asbestos related diseases is due to the latency period.

All forms of Asbestos became illegal in 1999. People were working with it in the 60s, 70s and 80s and are now being diagnosed with asbestos related illnesses.

This is because of this latency period. The time between being exposed to asbestos dust and then having symptoms. The latency period for asbestos disease can be up to 10 years. However, the latency period is usually over 20yrs and can even be as much as 50years before symptoms present themselves.

Is it too late to claim asbestos related disease if I was exposed over 30 years ago?

No. Regardless of when you were exposed, you can still claim compensation. There is a limitation period for personal injuries (3 years) however, with asbestos related illnesses the starting point is not the date of exposure to the asbestos. The starting point is normally the date that you were diagnosed. As the latency period tends to belong, the diagnosis is most likely to come years after you were exposed to asbestos.

With over 40 years of experience, Bonnar Accident Law solicitors understand stresses it may cause a family during an asbestos claim. We take the utmost care to ensure that your case is dealt with promptly and sympathetically. We take away all the burden of dealing with insurance companies and we make every effort to keep you up to date with minimum involvement.

Our aim is to build the strongest possible case as quickly as possible and put pressure on the relevant insurance company or companies (as there might well be more than one involved) for a fair and just settlement. If necessary, we will take the employers and their insurers to court if we think that they are attempting to undervalue your claim.

We can promise you an unrivalled level of client care and attention and we will work tirelessly to get you and your family the result you deserve.