Can I Claim If I’ve Been Hit By A Drunk Driver?

Can I Claim If I’ve Been Hit By A Drunk Driver – Drunk driving accident claim

Despite stringent laws and social pressure, drunk driving is still a serious problem within the UK. On average, around 3,351 people are injured and 666 deaths are recorded due to drunk driving incidents every year. Most would never consider anything so dangerous and disrespectful of human life as drunk driving, but we may not be able to control whether or not we might encounter a drunk driver on the road: so what steps can we take to stay safe?  


  1. Be safe. 

    Always encourage people around you who have been drinking either to stay home, get a taxi or use public transport – the national drink-drive limit in Scotland is just 22mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath or 50mg of alcohol for 100ml of blood. This means that just one drink is too much to drive safely. However, these can change depending on where you are in the country, so be sure to check the drink driving limits where you are to avoid any penalties. 


  1. Stay alert

     If you see someone driving on the road and you suspect they may be driving under the influence of alcohol, keep your distance, and have a passenger in the car phone 999 to report the location of the vehicle and the license plate number. 


  1. Be vigilant during peak times.

     There is more drink driving arrests over the weekend on Friday and Saturday nights. BE sure to be especially vigilant at these times late at night when pubs, clubs and other establishments are likely to close. 


Can I claim if I’ve been hit by a drunk driver? 

Yes – if you’ve been involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you could be due compensation either for your injury or even for mental trauma.  

Firstly, if you suspect the driver of the other car has been drinking, call the police to issue a breathalyser test. 

Secondly, following the incident, be sure to gather as much evidence at the scene as you can. This could be by taking photos with your phone, possibly asking for witness statements from people who may have seen the accident and taking down the drivers details.  

Finally, if for whatever reason you are unable to gather evidence at the scene, possibly due to the nature of your injuries, make sure to get a police report following the accident. 

If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault and you would like more information, please feel free to get in touch with one of our no win no fee solicitorsroad traffic accident claim.

Driving: Staying Safe During Winter

Driving Staying Safe During Winter

Each year, as the weather turns colder and harsher, we see increasing numbers of road accidents and resulting injuries which vary in severity with anything from a bump or bruise, to whiplash and irreparable damage or in some cases, even death. 

And although this year there are less people on the road, with COVID-19 restrictions encouraging people to stay home where possible, its more important than ever to make sure you take all the necessary measures to ensure road safety this winter. 


What Can I Do?  


  1. Tyres. 

    Ensure that you have the right tyres that are appropriate for the weather conditions in your area. For some, you may be able to keep your normal tires, such as in cities, but if you live further afield where the weather may be colder, consider swapping our ‘for winter’ tyres which have a thicker tread. 


1- Make allowances. 

If you’re driving in icy conditions, remember that you need to allow for much more time to get where you are going and space between you and other vehicles when breaking.  


2- Leave extra time.

 Many people get into accidents purely because they are rushed. Ensure you have at least an extra ten minute cushion so you have time to properly clear all windows of ice and/or snow, and effectively de-fog your windows. 


3- Plan ahead.

 Make sure you know your route before you set off to avoid getting stuck somewhere. We also recommend using major roads where possible as these are more likely to be salted and be monitored by road accident companies or city council traffic services. 


4- Stay seen.

 Make sure all your lights are working properly to ensure visibility. If you need to use your fog light, remember to turn them off once you get into clear air so as not to hurt the eyes or impair other drivers. 


Safety is always first, so remember to check all these things to ensure you and your family are safe on the roads this winter. 


If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault and you would like more information, please feel free to get in touch with one of our Serious injuries claim, no win no fee solicitors